Elevating Skills with ISO 9001 Certification 

Elevating Skills

The ISO 9001 standard is designed to assist businesses to satisfy the needs of the consumers and those of other relevant parties. It achieves this intention via following the guidelines and suggestions relating to the products and services of the company. ISO 9001 Training guarantees that someone completing the training may have the capabilities and … Read more



Hydrophilic Definition A hydrophilic molecule or substance is attracted to water. Water is a polar molecule that acts as a solvent, dissolving other polar and hydrophilic substances. In biology, many substances are hydrophilic, which allows them to be dispersed throughout a cell or organism. All cells use water as a solvent that creates the solution … Read more



Ovipositor Insects and most fish use ovipositors to deposit eggs. Different species have different ovipositor morphologies. The exoskeleton of insects is usually composed of hardened sclerites and can be long, short, wide or needle thin. The ovipositor is often hidden within the body and protracted to be used, although sometimes it extends permanently outside the … Read more